July 27, 2007

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

One of the most exhausting conditions that affect adults with anxiety disorders is post-traumatic stress disorder. This condition usually follows someone who survives a physical or emotional event that was terrifying to him or her. Brought to the forefront by our veterans, it was often called “shell shock” or “battle fatigue.” It’s been found to occur in both men and women who have had serious car accidents, survived a natural disaster, bombings, a plane crash, or violent personal attacks. Abuse in childhood also can cause post-traumatic stress disorder. How severe the disorder will be is determined by the length and severity of the event that caused it.

Post-traumatic stress disorder can be triggered by an event that happened in the person’s life, in the life of someone close to him or her, or something they witnessed. Many citizens of New York have been treated for PTSD after the events on 9/11. PTSD has already appeared in those who were affected by the devastating hurricanes that occurred in the South.

People who suffer from PTSD will have extreme emotional, mental, and physical distress if they are placed in a situation that reminds them of the event. Some may relive the situation repeatedly in the form of nightmares, or “flashbacks” during the day. Other symptoms may include sleep problems, easily startled, and have problems feeling loving and affectionate. Depression, a constant jittery feeling, or a feeling of being numb or detached from your surroundings is also signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. Anyone suffering from this disorder also stay away from places or situations that bring back bad memories and are sometimes more aggressive, irritable, or even violent.

These symptoms can also be found in other anxiety disorders so it is important to talk to your doctor for a diagnosis. Post-traumatic stress disorder will only be diagnosed if the symptoms have lasted longer than a month. It usually starts about three months after the event happens, but has been known to occur years after a traumatic event. Some will not be able to remember the event unless they are in therapy. Many block out events until something later brings the memories to the surface.

This disorder can occur at any age, including childhood. Depression, substance abuse, and anxiety are signs of PTSD. Some will recover in six months, for others, it may be a much longer period.

What is the treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder? Treatments will vary from person to person according to their medical history, overall physical health, and age.

The extent of how the disease has progressed is something else to consider. Your doctor should also understand your tolerance for specific medications and your preferences. Someone with PTSD is also susceptible to other anxiety disorders such as substance abuse and depression. Treatment is critical and can include medication, therapy, relaxation techniques, and biofeedback. Antidepressants or medications for anxiety are used and psychological treatment both may be used to fight this disorder.

In this era, mental disorders do not carry the stigma they did in previous generations. It is common now for people to admit to taking antidepressants or having therapy. Support groups have sprung up that help them get through the recovery period. Some of the most successful programs are based on the 12-step program from Alcoholics Anonymous.

If you or someone you love is displaying any of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, try to get them to a medical professional. This disorder can lead to severe drug or alcohol abuse, depression, and even suicide. Emotional support from family and friends can help those who suffer from PTSD.

Treatment is available to all that need it. Veterans, if you are suffering from PTSD go to local veterans office. If you can’t afford to get the proper therapy or medication, contact your local mental health agency. State funded programs are available for those who qualify as low-income and don’t have a large income.

If someone you love suddenly is extra irritable, have violent outbursts, have trouble with socializing, and working, find them some help. If they are having flashbacks when they hear different sounds, smell some odors, or have feelings the event can happen again, they need help to work through the event and get better. Medication can help but finding the underlying cause of the trauma may be the most helpful in handling post-traumatic stress disorder.

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